
でも あなたを見つけなければならない

Latest hollow body instrument titled -78 Tempo-, on workbench showing light cedar top construction, and completed with mica pigments, anilin dye and nitrocellulose laquer finish. This guitar's primary application is more electric, while it acoustically (video below) validates an innovative concept in which the acoustic horn comes-in to naturally complement the acoustic sound of the guitar box as such.
正しくお読みいただけました。TriHorn 中空ボディ ギターは現在開発中です。主な用途はエレクトリックですが、アコースティック ホーンのテーマに関連する特定のアイデアを検証することができ、ギター ボックスのサウンドを自然に補完します。
この実験から、私の目標は、ギターの完全なシステムで、ワウタイプの中高域に特有の周波数の出力を生成することです。つまり、サンプリングやレコーディング作業に特に興味深い、演奏者に向けた顕著な中音域のサウンドです。次は、ライブ アプリケーションのコンテキスト内でこれらの新しいサウンドを増幅する方法を見つける予定です。
SUPERSONIC: in the making

SUPERSONIC, general outline. Based on my MULTI harp-guitar shape, this new 6-string shares a carved soundbox configuration, with the addition of 2 -horns- positioned at upper-bout (column side) and below the tailpiece.

SUPERSONIC, border/raised-side is worked piece by piece in order to bring the soundbox to a 3" depth archtop guitar standard.

SUPERSONIC, redwood top and cedar soundbox, with carved soundbox inside/outside views.

少しスチール、少しサウンド - 間違いなくボウルバック指向です。

Initiated in 2011, the bowl-back guitar is here a bent & laminated resonance shell rather than carved soundbox. Designed in the manner of the lute, and in affinity with the guitarist, its primary objective is to bring more natural reverberation to the sound of the acoustic guitar.
A bit like the Eastern instruments, Oudtar (above), Raga guitar and Raga 2 (below) offer the guitarist a slightly different voice, while remaining familiar in terms of playability.
ボウルバック構成の最新(2023年) Raga 2 :

Raga 2 サウンド ボックスは、多面的な取り外し可能な金型で組み立てられた 22 個の積層リブで構成されています。


「アンドレはこれを、人々の声が壁に反響する設計の大聖堂の音響に例えています。ウドタールにはギターボックスのような鋭い角がないので、音はウードやリュートのように響きます。これらの楽器も背面が丸いのです。」 JH ホワイト、マグニフィサンス マガジン(続きを読む)

乳白色のシルバーダストラッカー仕上げのRaga 2 。

One picture below

共鳴弦付きハープギター: Multi、 Echoes of Time 、 Multi 2 。
There are ongoing archtop projects that I hope will captivate you in terms of sound and/or at least in terms of craftsmanship.
I have paid a lot of attention this past year to developing -My Blue Guitar- on behalf of the Archtop Foundation.
On the one hand, this collection (initiated by Scott Chinery) is a creatively significant one for me in my career, its release corresponding to my graduation from guitar making school - a long time ago - and it will have marked my young intellect with new unsuspected -guitar- possibilities.
On the other hand, it is, and I feel it, a real rendezvous with the history of the guitar, this order.
What exactly to present? On what level, between audacity, innovation, and tradition, to play this card? My God! !

In reference to my body of work, choosing exactly which version of the Archtop to present was downright the unbearable question.
So I decided to produce at least two (2) Blue Archtop (possibly 3) and to choose, along the way, which one will join the mythical collection by itself.
I don't want to spoil the surprise! So, on these few photos without descriptions, I'm just telling you that I'm working on it - with heart - in the best possible way!
Two of these guitars are taken. If I make the third one, it will be announced.

フラットバックのClara Archtopの内部。バイオリンやチェロの製作に影響を受けた、トップの周囲の接触部分の均一な跡に注目してください 。

Above: The Clara Archtop - acoustic / electric archtop guitar with floating (through the top) humbucker (2022).
Main materials: : Red Cedar, ziricote, black limba, ebony, rosewood, aluminium, dyed sycomore, recon stone.